Did You Know...
“One, 30-minute phone call, one time per week.”
The cell phone industry is allowed set their own standard to determine radiation safety. Manufactures created the outdated “heavy usage” standard decades ago, to determine if their phones met their own, industry created, “safety” standard. Does this sound like the exposure level of today’s average cellphone user? No. If that is their definition of a heavy cell phone user, what does that make the average cell phone user today? A super, extreme cell phone user.
The tech industry is not developing new technology based on consumer demand. A Polish study revealed that people were content with their technology and not demanding more. The same study also revealed that people were primarily concerned with just being able to communicate with their family and friends. New product development is driven by manufacturers and not the consumer. Manufacturers develop new products and through advertising, they tell the consumer they need it. Don’t be manipulated by tech, use it in a way that suits you.