Air Quality Testing
Indoor air is a soup of toxins. Not all the toxins present in the air is can be smelled or seen, but laboratory testing will reveal them. These unseen air toxins can cause a myriad of physical problems (see below). Developing children, with their faster respiration rate, and older people are more vulnerable to indoor air toxins.
Without knowing it, we bring into our homes items that off-gas toxins. That “new” smell could be harmful to your liver, lungs, and cognitive abilities. Do not assume your air is safe, make sure. Get your air tested.
If you have vulnerable family members, or someone you love suffers from indoor allergies, request any of the following tests. The results will reveal what is in the air you breathe. This knowledge will allow you to take control of your health through targeted action. Get the facts. Know what you are breathing. Reserve your appointment for an Indoor Air Evaluation.
VOC is an organic chemical the evaporates easily into the air at normal room temperature. Common symptoms of exposure include headaches, cognitive problems, memory loss, brain fog, asthma, immune system damage, endocrine disruption, and reproductive harm. Studies show neural effects impacting neuronal cell-signaling systems. It causes cancer, is mutagenic, causes birth defects, and causes multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS).
Formaldehyde (CH2O) is a colorless gas with a pungent smell that is irritating to the nasal passages, eyes, and lungs. It is produced in nature and is man-made. It is the man-made formaldehyde that presents a danger to people and pets. It has been classed by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) as a known human carcinogen since 2004. Some formaldehyde may take years to off gas. Formaldehyde levels increase with humidity and temperature.
Health effects of exposure to formaldehyde include irritation of the throat, nose, eye, and skin. It also exacerbates asthma and can cause headaches, cognitive dysfunction, respiratory distress, chronic runny nose, chronic bronchitis, nosebleeds, obstructive lung disease, and nasopharyngeal cancer.
MVOC is a volatile carbon or oxygen-based gas produced by some mold species and is emitted as part of microbial metabolism. This is what produces the “musty” or “moldy” smell. Mold uses mycotoxins to prevent the growth of other organisms; it is how mold protects its territory.
Common symptoms of mold exposure include cough, respiratory infection, asthma, atypical asthma, nasal congestion, sinusitis, rhinitis, skin rashes, and generalized fatigue. Health effects include cancer, genetic mutation, central nervous system damage, liver damage, birth defects, immune-suppressive, bleeding, and kidney damage.
Dust analysis – Since mold attaches to dust particles, a dust analysis can reveal the presence of mold, even if mold is not obvious.
Airborne Spore Trap – Identifies 17 different mold organisms floating in the air.
Bulk Dust Collection or Swab – A mold DNA test which looks for primary and tertiary mold colonizers. This test reveals if there is a long-term moisture problem.
Tape Lift – Identifies organisms, spore estimate, mycelial estimate, raw count, and percent of total.
Air samples are examined for 23 different air borne particles. Items tested include fibers, hair, dander, pollen, insect parts, larvae, particles, rust, earth, and much more.
CO is odorless, colorless, and lighter than air. CO should not be in your indoor environment because it interferes with the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. It damages organs which require the most oxygen, such as the brain and heart. Unborn children, babies, and children are the most severely affected because their hemoglobin binds with CO better than adults. Exposure can aggravate angina, heart disease, exercise intolerance, central nervous system functions, and trigger tissue damage in vital organs. Homes with attached garages and gas appliances (stoves, water heater, dryer, fireplace, etc.) should monitor carbon monoxide levels.
A home with high CO2 levels in the air will have that “stale air” feel. Extremely air-tight homes are at risk of having elevated carbon dioxide levels. Especially, during the winter months. In low doses it can cause the following: hyperventilation, vision damage, lung congestion, central nervous system injury, abrupt muscle contractions, elevated blood pressure, shortness of breath, dizziness, headache, sweating, fatigue, numbness, tingling, memory loss, nausea, vomiting, depression, confusion, skin burns, eye burns, and ringing ears. In high doses it can cause convulsions, unconsciousness, or death. CO2 is an asphyxiant; it cuts off the oxygen supply for breathing, especially in confined spaces.